Monthly Manga Recap: What I’ve Been Reading |August 2018

After taking a short hiatus from really doing anything I figure I may as well start something new and do something that could get me back into reading manga on a regular basis. So after a few hours of deep thought, planning, and dabbling in the dark side of the Force I finally came up with a solution. The solution is this little piece I’ve written, every month I’ll make recommendations of manga to read and it helps to motivate me to read them. For now it’s just recommendations but over time I’ll throw in more detailed little mini reviews.

Green Worldz: 

It’s 2017 and Global Warming has caused the city of Tokyo to under go a vast transformation to become more environmentally friendly. Everything seems to be going good until nature says fuck humanity as plants and insects undergo a vast change as spme become more deadly and much larger. Protagonist Akira who finds out about this after leavonga subway station now has to see of the girl he has a crush on is still alive.

I finished this manga a while back and enjoyed it. Originally I was going to review it but ultimately scrapped it. The manga has a entertaining plot, good but forgettable characters, and great art. At 112 the manga is a decent length although the ending isn’t too satisfactory.

Killing Bites

Have you evet wondered what it would be like to watch National Geographic while on narcotics? No. Well it doesn’t matter. 

Synopsis: When attacked by some college students, Hitomi kills all of them except YĹ«ya, who is shocked to see her transform into a beast and battle a lion monster at an abandoned waste facility. These strange people are “Brutes”, fighters that have been created to combine the brains of humans and the fangs of beasts. The “Killing Bites” battles have been the decisive turning points in the Japanese economy since ancient times. Hitomi is assigned to protect YĹ«ya.

Killing bites is a great action oriented manga with beautiful art and an interesting story. If you want to skip the first half or so you can watch the anime. It’s 12 episodes of fire and when you start reading the manga it gets better.

Jisatsuto (aka Suicide Island)

After a failed suicide attempt Sei ends up on a hospital where he’s given the option to continue his life or to end it. After choosing the latter optiin he falls asleep to wake up on a mysterious abandoned Island with a plethora of other people who all turn out to be suicidal just like him. Later on they find out that they were sent to the islands because they chose to be killed but things haven’t exactly gone as the planned as the Japanese government has left them to their own devices on a remote island where they either die or live

I’m still pretty early in this manga as I’ve only read around 16 or 17 chapters but so far it seems pretty interesting and we can already see that some of the characters have already lost their shit while others have decided to live on. With over 100 chapters out and it still being an ongoing series I got high hopes for this manga.

(Disclaimer: This next entry isn’t for everyone so if you want to avoid hearing about anything depressing then skip it but I encourage to at least read what I have to say because it’s…interesting to say the least)


Saki is a high school student who’s never been too popular with her contemporaries, after a while she ends up looming down at the girls who are more sociable. Afterwards she decides to change her asthetocs in an attempt to be more liked. The attempt works but the ensuing events have her getting addicted to drugs, sex, becoming a prostitute, and more as she falls from grace.

First off let me say this under normal circumstances I’d stay far away from this because it’s a hentai and I don’t fuck with that shit. However, the concecpt for the manga being interesting and me being told that it gets pretty serious was enough to drag me in but I was not prepared for what I saw. While it may be hentai this manga surprisingly had a touching and disturbing story that follows the fall of the protagonist Saki as her life becomes a living hell as she gets addicted to narcotics, used as a prostitute and has to get an abortion as well as getting pregnant again all while shes in highschool. This manfa covers a subject that’s touch for most people and while it does the over the top trying to be too extra shit one would probably expect from anything in it’s genre it still does a good job storywise. Over the course of it’s 200+ pages you really start to feel for saki as her character does get developed and by the end you really get depressed. I recommend checking it out if you put up with the over the top extra sexual scenes that do too much because it’s…interesting to say the least. If anyone wants I can drop another article just talking about Emergence a little more in-depth although even that can’t do it justice. One last warning, the ending of the manga is the opposite of what it seems. 

2 thoughts on “Monthly Manga Recap: What I’ve Been Reading |August 2018

    1. Kind of but so far it’s just them trying to survive. The names of the newer chapters are things like “invasion”, “If We Go To War”, etc so it seems like it’ll be lit down the road.

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