As The God’s Will: The Second Series Manga First Impression

( Update: After posting this I realized that the manga is the follow up to the original manga so you might wanna check that manga before you start this one)

Every now and then I read a manga, usually I procrastinate with reading (I’m going to stop that). With this manga called As The God’s Will I can assure you that I will definitely be reading this shit. Otherwise known as Kamisama no lu Itoouri  the manga is a horror/psychological thriller made Muneyuki Kaneshiro & Akeji Fujimura.

Minor Spoilers Ahead

Synopsis (via wikipedia): Takahata Shun’s day at high school begins just as normal and boring as ever, but it doesn’t end that way. After his teacher’s head explodes, he and his classmates find themselves forced to play children’s games, such as Daruma ga Koronda (a game like Red Light/Green Light), with deadly stakes. With no idea who is behind this mysterious deadly game session, and no way of knowing when it will finally end, the only thing Shun and other students can do is keep trying to win…

As the God’s Will is a manga that starts off a bit strange for a horror manga, the first chapter is pretty much all but a slice of life manga. It’s kind of goofy and playful and the characters we meet are perverts, you know the lonely types that can only gawk at a bad bitch in a magazine. InitaI was a bit worried that the comedic aspect would carry on for a good while, that thought became even more prominent after one


of the male characters asked a female what her bra size was. The comment was kinda funny but for a manga that I expected to be dark and gritty I didn’t want that type of stuff in there. Luckily things picked up in the second chapter, when I say things picked up I mean shit went from 0-100 like a song by Eminem.

The first two chapters are rather interesting. The very first one is rather basic up until the 40th page. Up until that point we get introduced to some characters mainly Akashi, Takahashi, & Aoyama. The trio are friends with Akashi & Aoyama being on the soccer team. For a bit the most exciting thing was the two guys I just mentioned having an argument. On the five or so pages prior to the 40th one we get a countdown and when it ends the characters hear an explosion.

That moment is then followed by a teacher getting replaced by a comical looking daruma.

Our comical Daruma with them fucked eyebrows

To simply put the daruma forces them to play a life or death game of daruma (similar to Red Light, Green light). Initially I was confused by this but after a bit of the second chapter it got explained some. The second chapter was rather interesting as a way to stop the game was revealed after about 3 people got bodied in the first chapter. The following events see a few more people get killed before they manage to disable the Daruma. The class celebrates but that elation was short lived as everyone with the exception of Aoyama was bodied…like the whole class was massacared in an instant. The chapter ends with the Daruma informing Aoyama that only he was left alive because he (note Akashi is still alive as he left the school before the bullshit went down) and that he must head to the gymnasium. The third chapter follows Akashi the day or after the incident at the school, the only notable thing that happened is that a statue thing with a trash can on it’s back ce to Akashi’s house.


The art of the manga isn’t spectacular but it’s not bad, the style reminds me of a 2000’s anime somewhat with the characters having basic designs. So far there hasn’t been a cohesive story with everyone not knowing what’s going on. 3 chapters in it’s pretty interesting, my only complaints are that the comedy in the manga is a bit annoying like Fairy Tail, I’m not too sure who the main character is, and they killed baby girl Takahasi.


  • You can feel tge vibe of a situation through the art
  • Interesting
  • The action is good.


  • Artwork is kind of meh
  • No clear main character
  • Awkward comedy

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